I hold a Master of Arts degree in English Philology. I am currently a PhD student at the University of Tampere, Finland, my special fields of interest being lexicology and onomastics. I have worked as a translator/proofreader for over ten years. I have also taught English as a foreign language.

Currently a stay-at-home mom, I also have a variety of other interests besides enjoying the everyday.

I am most passionate about the written word and visual arts, and love to immerse in various literary projects whenever time allows. One of my interests is practising short verse: haiku, senryû, and three-liners. Here is a link to my personal reading list, and here is my bookish blog. I am also an ardent linguaphile and forever a culture buff. I have studied 17 foreign languages besides my mother tongue, Finnish (keeping up with all of them would be an impossible task, though.). My this year's project is learning lower-to-upper intermediate Hungarian. The language has been my secret crush for ages, and by now it has me completely enamored.

I take a keen interest in design and product semantics, building and cityscape research, and the boom-before-doom extravaganza of the 1980s: a lifelong interest transitioned into dedicated dilettantism. I love solving and creating crossword puzzles and attend a crossword puzzle club. I have been an active member of the bookcrossing community for 9 years. Formerly somewhat athletically challenged, I am new to long-distance running/jogging. This summer, I am learning some basic diabolo juggling and carrying out various DIY and craft projects. I frequent cosy little cafés and love late-night conversations with fascinating people—or rather, that was life before the kids! Today, more than ever, I adore the Oriental pastime of contemplating the world.